Hiring the correct growth marketing team is essential for you to successfully grow and scale. A growth marketer assists you to create a growth strategy using their expertise in B2B marketing strategies to achieve your personalized goals. Start-up companies often need expertise and assistance to reach their full potential. In the battle to grow within your industry, it is beneficial to hire a growth marketer to help you reach your goals.
Of course, the main goal is to grow your company’s client base. Companies that do not grow, often die out as their market is infatuated by competitors. Even when you are growing, you have many potential obstacles that are challenging, even for established companies. For instance, the company may face being cash-poor or not being able to scale-up their systems effectively to keep up with their growing client base.
Many start-up companies are not aware of the various challenges they may face and even the most educated business leaders can not anticipate all future road-blocks. When you don’t already work in business growth full-time, these circumstances are new. Luckily, you do not have to face these challenges on your own. The best idea to grow successfully is to hire a growth marketer who, you guessed it, specializes in strategic business growth. They know what challenges to anticipate and how to avoid them.
But how do you get started in finding a growth marker that is right for your company? The whole process can be complicated. So we have compiled the top three things you can do to ensure that you find the growth marketer that fits your unique needs.
- Know your company’s needs.
The best place to start in hiring your first growth marketer is what you know best, your company. You know how your company already functions. You know what your strengths and weaknesses are. You are the one who knows what experts are on your team, and know where the knowledge gaps are. Therefore, it is up to you to access what your company needs.
For example, does your company struggle identifying quantitative leads? Do you lack an in-house marketing department? Do you struggle to keep up with customer service calls? The first step to identifying the type of growth marketer to hire starts with identifying where your business can improve.
- Research which growth marketers specialize in your company’s needs.
Once you have identified where your expertise is lacking, you can start focusing on researching which growth marketing companies specialize in these aspects. Look at the growth marketing company’s website closely and do your research. If you know that your team struggles with marketing, focus your attention on companies that have a strong marketing team. If you notice that your weak points are in technological aspects involved with scaling up, then look for companies that offer a variety of strong technological solutions. You can even hire companies that focus on data-driven content. There are many options available to you.
But what if there are multiple things that you need assistance with or what if you are not completely sure what your strengths and weaknesses are? Luckily for you, there are B2B growth marketing companies that are adaptable and offer assistance in a bit of everything. Comarketers is one of them.
- What do I ask the growth marketer to access their expertise?
Once you have narrowed down your choices to growth marketers who fit your current needs, it’s time to start the interviewing process. Companies that have a mission statement that aligns well with your company’s morals and values are potentially a good fit. Feel free to dig further into the company to see if their practices fit with their stated mission.
Like with any interviewing process, asking detailed questions is key to figuring out if the candidate will be the right fit for your organization. You also want to ensure that the company is up to the task. The top questions we recommend asking include:
- What is the growth you have driven from other companies?
You want to see specific examples of previous work to ensure that they can get the job done.
- What B2B companies have you worked with in the past?
This accesses if the growth marketing company is familiar with your business‘ industry.
- How do you prioritize experiments and then analyze the results?
The company has to have a comprehensible system in place that can prioritize and analyze the results of experiments, otherwise, this may be a sign of disorganization within the company.
- Do they have ideas that seem interesting to your team or are their processes the same as what you are already trying without their help?
You are looking for a growth team that can bring new ideas and concepts to your business. If they are simply conducting the same things you already do on your own, then this growth team is not the right fit for you. You want to ensure you have a creative team that can provide growth that you wouldn’t otherwise be able to provide in-house.
Last but not least…
No matter what expertise you are looking for, ensure that the B2B growth marketing team is focusing on the market that you plan to expand into. If your market is in Europe for example, find a team that knows the European market. Companies like Comarketers can be found in a variety of different markets and you need to make sure to ensure that you find one that caters to your business’s needs. This can ensure that you are going in the right direction to ensure that the team’s expertise matches up with the expertise that you’re looking for to assist your company’s growth.
By finding a company that can satisfactorily answer your questions, fits your company’s unique needs, and has matching company values, then you have successfully found your first growth marketing team!